


architecture me screenshot untagged art concrete graphic ruined urban unix night absurd decay windows construction machine eerie interior omaha monochrome game mike_nesbit maple_st_construct dig retro 1bit sd peripherals social drawing web keyboard westwood failure collage fashion HT2024 music woodley meta bad_software fvwm oil sciarc green landscape car acme

link | drawing | Mon Jan 16 09:09:17 PST 2023

link | diagram, drawing, isometric | Sun Jan 16 14:49:09 PST 2022

link | 2b, diagram, drawing, heatmap, map, pedestrian, sciarc, sp22, traffic | Sun Jan 16 14:45:25 PST 2022

link | 2b, drawing, peter_zumthor, sciarc, section, sp22, therme_vals | Sun Jan 16 14:45:18 PST 2022

visual studies therme vals

link | diagram, drawing, health | Tue Nov 2 13:52:09 PDT 2021

tom prinz's morning stretch routine

link | andrew_antwood, book, drawing | Tue Nov 2 09:07:09 PDT 2021

andrew atwood, "not interesting: on the limits of criticism in architecture"

link | 1bit, architecture, circulation, diagram, drawing, plan | Tue Sep 21 11:56:41 PDT 2021

quickborner team diagram

link | 1bit, HT2024, architecture, baroque, church, drawing, plan, rome | Tue Sep 14 10:18:04 PDT 2021

San Carlino plan

link | doodle, drawing, me | Thu Sep 9 19:40:14 PDT 2021

link | art, drawing, varias_tatu | Sun Aug 29 15:57:48 PDT 2021

link | a_woloszynski, art, drawing, tattoo | Sat Aug 28 08:57:19 PDT 2021